A bookmarklet to share the content in your selection + the URL with a custom ChatGPT.
The custom GPT will then fetch the content of the URL for additional context.
javascript:(function()%7Btry%7Bvar selection = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString().trim() : %27%27;var currentUrl = window.location.href || %27URL unavailable%27;var message = selection || `Fetch content from ${currentUrl} for context. Please wait for further instructions.`;var baseMessage = `I copied this content:%5Cn%5Cn>>>%5Cn${message}%5Cn>>>%5Cn%5CnFrom this URL: ${currentUrl}%5CnFetch this URL for more context.%5Cn%5CnPlease wait for further instructions.`;var encodedMessage = encodeURIComponent(baseMessage);var targetUrl = `https://chat.openai.com/g/g-soMXGp85o-franz-enzenhofers-copy-and-fetch/?q=${encodedMessage}`;var newTab = window.open(targetUrl, %27_blank%27);if (!newTab) %7Bthrow new Error(%27Failed to open a new tab. Please check if pop-up blockers are enabled and try again.%27);%7D%7Dcatch (error)%7Bconsole.error(%27Bookmarklet Error:%27, error.message);alert(%27An error occurred while executing the bookmarklet. Please check the console for more details.%27);%7D%7D)();
For a quick and easy installation, you can simply drag the following link to your bookmarks bar:
If the above method doesn't work, follow the manual installation guide.
Enter a URL and selection text to simulate the bookmarklet:
// Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) for encapsulation. (function() { try { // Get selected text or fallback to empty string var selection = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString().trim() : ''; // Get current URL or fallback to 'URL unavailable' var currentUrl = window.location.href || 'URL unavailable'; // Create message from selection or URL var message = selection || `Fetch content from ${currentUrl} for context.`; // Format base message with content and URL var baseMessage = `I copied this content:\n\n>>>\n${message}\n>>>\n\nFrom this URL: ${currentUrl}\nFetch this URL for more context.\n\nPlease wait for further instructions.`; // Encode message for URL parameter var encodedMessage = encodeURIComponent(baseMessage); // Construct target URL with encoded message var targetUrl = `https://chat.openai.com/g/g-soMXGp85o-franz-enzenhofers-copy-and-fetch/?q=${encodedMessage}`; // Open new tab with target URL var newTab = window.open(targetUrl, '_blank'); // Throw error if new tab couldn't be opened if (!newTab) throw new Error('Failed to open a new tab. Check pop-up blockers.'); } catch (error) { // Log error and alert user console.error('Bookmarklet Error:', error.message); alert('An error occurred. Check the console for details.'); } })();
Navigate to any web page → Select any text → Click the "Copy and Fetch" bookmark → A new tab opens with ChatGPT → Wait 5 seconds and the selected content and URL will be pre-filled into ChatGPT!
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